
Monday, 18 February 2019

[ORB SLAM] What is in the code

[ORB SLAM] What is in the code


I read '' but 1~7 are all same in every cc files.

  1. Retrieve paths to images.
  2. Create a SLAM system. It initializes all system and gets ready to process frames.
  3. Create a vector for tracking time statistics.
  4. Main loop
    1. Read an image from file
    2. Pass the image to the SLAM system
    3. Wait to load the next frame
    4. repeat!
  5. Stop all threads
  6. Tracking time statistics
  7. Save keyframe trajectory. After running, the keyframe trajectory will be saved as 'KeyFrameTrajectory.txt' so save it as a different name or move it to another directory if you want to keep it.

# There is a part to skip three lines in the first of 'rgb.txt' file. There is no part like that in ''.

In '.yaml' file, there are camera parameters includes camera calibration and distortion parameters, camera frames per second, color order of the images. Also, there are ORB parameters for SLAM like the number of features per image, the scale factor between levels in the scale pyramid and the number of levels in the scale pyramid.

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