Install PyCharm in Ubuntu using umake
Ubuntu provides a wonderful command line tool, umake for developers. umake lets you easily install a number of development tools in Ubuntu such as Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, Ubuntu SDK, Eclipse, Arudino Software Distribution etc. PyCharm is also one of the development tools included in the umake.
To install PyCharm using umake, you need to have umake first. Normally, it should already be installed in your system, but if it is not, use the PPA below to get the latest stable version of umake:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-make
Once you have umake, use the command below to install PyCharm Community Edition in Ubuntu:
umake ide pycharm
To install PyCharm Professional Edition (you need a license for this), you can use the command below:
umake ide pycharm-professional